7 weird and wonderful facts about sheds

7 weird and wonderful facts about sheds

7 weird and wonderful facts about sheds

Most people own a shed at some point in their lifetime and see them as a no-frills building in their garden, purely designed to store messy equipment suitable for the outdoors. But there is a lot more to sheds than just this function, as seen most recently during the COVID-19 pandemic where many people used Solid Shed’s high-quality garden office sheds to create just that, a perfect place for working from home.

So with this in mind, we thought we would share 7 obscure facts about these wonderful buildings that we’re guaranteed you won’t know about!

Sheddies unite!

As mentioned, sheds now have uses that extend far beyond the storage function they were originally designed for. Nowadays, pub sheds, summer houses, and home gyms are situated in the garden by using a wooden shed. If you use your shed often, then you are affectionately known as a “sheddie” who is someone who works in a shed. Whether this be an admin job, a new art project or working on your pint drinking technique, congratulations, this is your new title!

A shed for life?

Interesting statistics show that  ‘owner demographics’ for sheds are moving away from those who are older. Although they are still popular with those between 45 and 54 years old (60%), as a way of storing  their garden tools, lots of younger people are now investing in sheds. In fact, more people under the age of 25 own a shed than those 45-54 (63%), showing that shed conversions are having a positive effect on their popularity!

An inspiration station

Sheds can also be a place for inspiration, so if you like to get in touch with your creative side, then a shed can be a fantastic way of doing so. After all, you’d be in some esteemed company, with Rudyard Kipling, Agatha Christie and Roald Dahl all producing some of their finest work from their wood shed. If they can do it, why can’t you?

And it’s live… from the shed

In 1927, live radio broadcasting was only just starting out – and in January of that year, Henry Wakelam made the first live football match commentary in the UK, of a game between Arsenal and Sheffield United. A small shed situated at Arsenal’s ground was the setting for this, as it provided him with the shelter that was needed to ensure no damage to his equipment!

A huge part in a Spielberg classic…

We’ve all heard of ET, right? Well, did you know that a shed is part of one of the most iconic scenes from the movie? Elliot and ETs friendships start when the extra-terrestrial is discovered by the protagonist, rummaging for food in the family’s garden shed.

Vic Reeves is a huge sheddie

Comedian Vic Reeves is arguably the biggest sheddie in the country! He has 5 sheds in his possession that perform a variety of functions, including a bar, an art studio, an art gallery, a children’s playhouse and a greenhouse (not exactly a shed but we’ll class it). This shows the versatility of a shed, it can be anything that you make it.

A perfect place to unwind?

22% of people say that their shed is the perfect place to avoid the trials and tribulations of the home and “escape” from their partners or kids. 28% of people also say that they prefer time in there than going to the pub! Make of that what you will. This goes to show that a shed can be a great place to unwind if you find that life in the home can become a bit boring or chaotic, a change of scenery never hurt anyone.

Get in touch

So, do you feel like your garden would benefit from a shed after reading some of these facts? If so, you’ve come to the right place, as Solid Sheds can help today! We specialise in the production and installation of sheds up and down the country, so waste no time in picking the best fit for your outdoor space.

If you have a question, then our friendly team would love to help. To get in touch, give us a call today on 01695 51442 or fill out our online form with any detailed enquiries, and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

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